Designing Symbols for Change

What did you learn by discussing the evolution of the accessibility symbol?

What I learned from discussing the evolution of the accessibility symbol is that I learned that the original sign was made around the 1960's and it recently changed around 2010. I learned that its important to keep the symbol simple so everyone can understand it.

What did you learn in by discussing the symbols of Olympic sports?

What I learned from discussing the symbols of the Olympic sports is that in the early years they designed a symbol inside a box which limited the size of the symbol. Later on they stopped using the box to draw better and bigger images without the restriction of the box. I also learned that the symbols need to designed in a way that will help every person from different nations to understand.

What were your other impressions of this exhibition?

Some other impressions that I have about the exhibition is that I liked the the room that showed many different objects on the shelf. And I also liked the different forms of representing data and how some used maps and lots of different colors to represent something.


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