Editorial Design

 What Is Editorial Design?

Editorial Design is a technique used by designers to help the reader or costumer understand the page better. Graphic Designers use different types of grids and layouts on a page to help the reader understand better and smoothly. Some key elements required for editorial design is consistency, readability, balance and repetition.

Otl Aicher's Isny

What I see in this book is a lot of drawings in black and white that is based on a small town of Isny im Allgäu. The types of drawings I saw on the book is an animals, bikes, people and a glass of beer. The way how this author laid out his drawings on the book is by adding lots of small squares on each page with drawings in them. 

This Is Me, Full Stop by Here Design

The goal of this book was to harness the beautiful design to explore the secret life of punctuation marks. what I see in this book is that it starts of with a white dot on a dark background and then on the next page I see a bunch of dark circles with a white background on the page. The author uses a grid to separate each circle with equal space.

Mr B & Friends ‘Comfriendium’ 10 Year book

What I see in this book is a page that uses balck and yellow color on it and shows a drawing of a pair of glasses and a hat. The goal that the creative director Steve Richardson had for this book was to guide the eye with storytelling merging words, graphic and Imagery. On the next page what I see is a page full of small images of people with many different dishes and food. This book is my favorite because I like the design that is used on this book.


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